# dev-cas, fake implementation of CAS server
## Goals
- Use a fake CAS server to develop application at localhost keeping a CAS authentication.
- Implement only the needed URI.
- Use specifications from [Apereo](
- Install it on Tomcat.
## 🛠️ Tech Stack
- Jakarta 10
- Java 17
- [Maven]( 3.8
- [Log4j2](
- [Lombok](
## Development
1. Package with `mvn package`.
2. Run the embedded Tomcat with `mvn cargo:run -Plocal`.
3. Change the files.
4. Package again `mvn package`, Tomcat reloads.
Ensure code is well written with `mvn checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:pmd pmd:cpd spotbugs:spotbugs`.
Use Maven to deploy on Tomcat. Eg. with server `siclima-preprod`:
```mvn cargo:deploy -Premote -Dcargo.server.settings=siclima-preprod```
with `~/.m2/settings.xml` with something like:
## Usage
Simply use these URL to configure CAS in the app (Example with server `siclima-preprod`):
- <http://siclima-preprod:8081/dev-cas/> : root URL for the CAS server.
- <http://siclima-preprod:8081/dev-cas/login> : to build the login process URL
- <http://siclima-preprod:8081/dev-cas/logout> : to logout the user
Project reports are available using Maven: `mvn site` and then see `target/site/index.html`.
## Authors
See [`AUTHORS`](AUTHORS) file.